Tape Art — Solo | KCCA

2022.04.23 — 06.19
King Car Cultural & Art Center, Nanjing Space
Taipei, Taiwan
Tape Art is a process where the artist intentionally alters a completed artwork by removing strips of paper tape from the surface. This act invites viewers and collectors to engage in a participatory experience that questions the very concept of when a painting is truly finished.
Regarding the completion of a painting, I believe there are three states: first, when the artist deems the work to be finished; second, when the artwork is on display; and third, when it is acquired by a collector. In all three states, the artist is no longer involved, meaning the image of the work will not be altered. Under this rule, I began to wonder whether it was possible to create a painting that exists simultaneously in both a completed and an incomplete state.
To explore this possibility, I have employed the temporary masking properties of paper tape to construct a dual temporal and spatial dimension within my Tape Art pieces. On one hand, these paintings appear complete, as all the imagery beneath the tape has been pre-arranged by the artist. Yet, on the other hand, they remain unfinished, as viewers can actively participate by removing the tape and revealing new layers of imagery. While the act of tearing is initiated by the viewer, it is still governed by the artist's predetermined rules. In this way, Tape Art occupies a paradoxical state of being both complete and yet incomplete.

Interestingly, from the perspective of Dao Ming's works, this is not what is typically considered participatory art. The act of peeling off the tape does not turn the audience into co-creators of the artwork, as the areas where the tape can be removed and the possible visual effects are all within the artist’s control and design. As such, this participatory mechanism offers the audience an experience of "personally witnessing how the artwork reaches completion." It allows the viewer to genuinely say, "My actions have altered the visual appearance of the artwork."
Emmy Swanson