
創世紀系列,主要描繪當創作的靈感正在醞釀,且創作的動作也正在要發生的瞬間。主要的概念參照了聖經創世紀第一章的1-2節所描述的,「起初, 神創造天地。地是空虛混沌,淵面黑暗;神的靈運行在水面上。」
Monochromatic abstract painting by Dao Ming Chuang characterized by overlapping lines and shapes forming a wave-like pattern.

起初  In the Beginning
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023 

Abstract black-and-white artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring layered, swirling lines that create a dynamic, textured composition.

日光之下  Under the Sun
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Monochromatic abstract painting by Dao Ming Chuang with bold, sweeping black lines forming dynamic wave-like patterns.

運行  Holy Spirit
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Black and white abstract artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring bold, sweeping, wave-like patterns that create a sense of movement and rhythm across the canvas, with intricate line work that contrasts against the stark white background.

光  Light
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Abstract monochrome artwork by Dao Ming Chuang, featuring swirling, layered shapes and textures with a mix of flowing and jagged patterns in shades of black, white, and gray.

如風  As Wind
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Abstract black-and-white artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring swirling, organic lines and layered textures that evoke natural landscapes.

成形之間  During Formation
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm 2023

Abstract artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring layered, fluid shapes in soft grays and whites, with topographic lines creating depth and movement.

安息日  Sabbath
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Abstract grayscale artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring intricate, wavy line patterns that ripple across the canvas, creating a dynamic, fluid texture with subtle tonal variations.

精銀海  Refined Silver
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Dao Ming Chuang explores depth and shadows with abstract shapes that blend into dark, flowing forms, evoking a sense of mystery and complexity.

黑門山Mount Hermon
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Abstract black and white artwork by Dao Ming Chuang featuring intricate swirling patterns and organic shapes.

施恩座上的基路伯  Guardian Cherub of the Ark
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  72x60x4cm  2023

Dynamic black and white composition by Dao Ming Chuang showcasing undulating wave patterns and abstract forms.

淵面黑暗之上  Darkness Was Over the Surface of the Deep
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  100x80x4cm  2023

Dao Ming Chuang's abstract artwork with layered white and gray shapes, emphasizing texture and fluidity.

如鹿切慕溪水  As the Deer Pants for Streams of Water
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  100x80x4cm  2023

Dao Ming Chuang's abstract art features intricate black and white patterns that flow organically across the canvas, creating a textured and dynamic visual experience.

創世紀  Genesis
壓克力、硝基漆、樺木板  200x122x4cm  2023
